Not demeaning the dignity of women: A study on the authentic purpose of “paca” (bride-price) in a traditional Indonesian society

JEBADU, Alexander and RAHO, Bernardus and SEBO, Ferdinandus (2025) Not demeaning the dignity of women: A study on the authentic purpose of “paca” (bride-price) in a traditional Indonesian society. DWIJMH VOL. 4 NO. 1 (2025) ISSN: 2980-4817, 4 (1). pp. 1197-1216. ISSN 298--4817

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Nearly all previous studies on customary marriage in traditional societies indicate that the practice of bride price demeans women. It, therefore, should be abolished. This study shows the opposite. The bride price practiced by traditional societies has a sacred purpose. The practice upholds women’s dignity. To some extent, women are even worshipped as if they were fertility goddesses. In this study, “paca” (bride price) of the Manggaraians in Indonesia is taken as a study case. The study used qualitative and quantitative methods. The study found that nearly all informants reject the notion of “paca” as a practice of commercializing women. What is true is the opposite. Based on this study, the Manggaraian “paca” is a sacrificial expense of ritual celebration in which the bride’s membership in her clan of origin is revoked. She will get it a new in the groom’s clan. Naturally, the cost of this ceremony is borne by the groom’s family. This is the core purpose of “paca” ritual of the Manggaraians, while other functions are extrinsic and are inappropriate practices that should be abandoned. The Manggaraian “paca”, then, should continue to be cherished for its life-giving purpose while one should remain critical of its inappropriate practices

Item Type: Article
Subjects: 300 – Ilmu Sosial > 390 Adat istiadat, etiket, dan cerita rakyat > 394 Adat istiadat umum
Divisions: 77101 Ilmu Agama/Teologi Katolik
Depositing User: Bernardus Raho
Date Deposited: 05 Mar 2025 08:10
Last Modified: 05 Mar 2025 08:10

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